Lalcafe INTENSO™

LALCAFÉ INTENSO™ coffee yeast can enhance mouthfeel, floral aromas, and tropical fruit notes. It is most notable for the development of overall complexity in the cup.
Fermentation occurs in all coffee processing methods. LALCAFÉ INTENSO™ can be applied to whole fruit or depulped coffee, in either submerged or «dry» protocols. LALCAFÉ INTENSO™ yeast’s specific metabolism facilitates rapid demucilagination and the release of varietal specific aromatic compounds. After years of studies run with different technical and research centers investigating coffee production and with results coming from trials performed in different wet mills around the world (in the Americas as well as Africa and Asia), LALCAFÉ INTENSO™ yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) has been characterized and selected for its ability to enhance coffee’s fruit character by releasing stone fruit, citrus, and floral notes as well as its ability to enhance mouthfeel in the final cup. The efficient demucilagination contributes to a more complex and higher quality sensory experience.
Due to its high capacity for implantation in coffee fermentations, LALCAFÉ INTENSO™ protects the coffee from developing negative aromas that can arise from some spontaneous fermentations. Its specific metabolism expresses the coffee’s aromatic potential.

• Available in 500 g pack and 10 kg box.
• To be used once opened.
• Only use vacuum-sealed sachet.
• Store in the original packaging, in a cool and dry place (< 25°C).