Lalcafe BRIOSA™

LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ contributes to the balance and mouthfeel of the coffee. LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ enables to express the coffee’s aromatic potential while respecting its varietal characteristics.
Fermentation occurs in all coffee processing methods where mucilage is not completely removed by mechanical means. LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ has a short lag phase that allows it to start the fermentation process speedily. This assures the early onset of fermentation allowing it to outcompete the wild microflora in the coffee thereby controlling the fermentation with a result of bio protection to your coffee. LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ can be applied to whole fruit or depulped coffee, in either submerged or ‘dry’ protocols. LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ contributes to the balance and mouthfeel of the coffee. It was selected for its ability to respect the varietal characteristics of your coffee. LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has been characterized and selected for its capabilities to increase processing efficiency, enhance cup quality, and improve consistency.
Due to its high capacity for implantation in coffee fermentations, LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ protects the coffee from developing negative aromas that can arise from some spontaneous fermentations.
Its specific metabolism expresses the coffee’s aromatic potential simultaneously respecting the varietal characteristics of your coffee.
LALCAFÉ BRIOSA™ operates optimally between 18ºC and 25ºC.
Selected yeast patented and patent pending:
• Available in 500 g pack and 10 kg box.
• To be used once opened.
• Only use vacuum-sealed sachet.
• Store in the original packaging, in a cool and dry place (< 25°C).